Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ah The Magicians is quite a book.  I have to say its almost exactly how I pictured magicians.  I remember people saying its a mature version of Harry Potter but it exceeded my expectations.  This world is filled with sex, drugs, depression and conflict.  The Magicians paint a realistic picture of college life and life as a magician. 
Quentin is the main character of the book and is quite complex.  He has power but instead of this happy go lucky feeling, he is plagued with depression and drugs.  The one glimmer of hope he has is his childhood books about Fillory.  When he goes to Brakebill Academy, he sinks deeper into depression.  It seems like he is uncertain of life and what the future holds.  He has magic powers but doesnt know what to do with them.  He wonders aimlessly without a purpose to fulfill.  The majority of the characters are fleshed out just like Quentin.  It makes you connect and care about them.  Whether they make good or bad decisions, you have an opinion about it. 
I think the best part of the book is when they find out that Fillory is actually a real place.  When they get there, it turns out to be almost as bad as the real world.  Its a magical land of drugs, sex and violence.  A bear with a drinking problem and giant animals weilding medieval weapons.  Its a crazy place but it fits well with my imagination.  The entire book was a breath of fresh air to me.  All of these sugar coated fantasy stories like Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia are nice but are missing the "real shit" factor.  I love the fact that magic in The Magicians isnt something easy, it takes years to even control it.  Rigerous training and concentration is what is needed to use magic and its something I like to read.

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